Daily Journaling

January 20, 2024


So, the point of this website, right? A Digital Garden, as it is called [insert definition, reference examples, cite resource(s)].

A website that doesn't adhere to a chronological or finite structure. Much like a lot of life. Sometimes it's two steps forward, one step back. Other times it seems to be no steps forwards, two steps back, and then eventually a large leap forward, with all your might.

Anyways, what I am getting at here is, life is an ongoing and transforming experience. Instead of attempting to perfect every single last detail of everything I do, h e c k it, I am just going to FULL-SEND as much and as often as I can.

Because, you know, it is more embarrassing to no do something, ESPECIALLY after having talked about it for a while. Yadda-yadda.

Talk is cheap and actions will always speak louder than words. 

Nothing changes if nothing changes........ and no, I am not just trying to write platitudes for the sake of it. These are essentially proverbial reminders to myself for the sake of encouragement and action. 

Mind Storms ... Often times the mind moves at a seemingly infinite rate. For the unprepared and inept, thoughts can truly be overwhelming. Even I, someone who has been aware of all that goes on actively in my imagination, still struggle frequently expressing whatever it is.

Problems need solutions. Adaptation. Innovation. Iteration.

 I may as well just write as much as I can to get it all out while I am in a flow-state.

I strongly believe everyone needs to have some form of one of these types of websites. 

As the world begins to become more digitally-integrated, despite some of the negative implications, I would like to see harmony in the future.

It's not like the internet, tech, A.I., or anything of that nature is going anywhere, any time soon. In fact... it's going to continue to grow and develop. 

And if we as humans don't evolve beyond basic labor and menial tasks that barely earn a living, then we shall get left behind when automation takes over large percentages of blue and white collar jobs.

So what does that mean for everyone? 


I don't have "all the answers", nor have I been able to implement the ones I have found very well yet. But if anything, I am determined to keep pushing forward and leading the way for others that wish to pursue their ideal lives. Together, we can figure this all out. 

January 16, 2024 @ 22:02

I am still figuring this google sites thing out. My goal is to make a hybrid between a personal brand site & a blog based around my interests. While I do have a blog on WordPress, https://intrepidtenacity.art.blog, I have been hiatus on it, yet again. 

Besides, that is more of a personal blog that I have used for the art of blogging itself. I DESPERATELY want to transform this space into the scratch pad for my creative musings. I mean, that's already what it is... It has just taken a helluva long time to really figure out how I am doing all of this. And to think this essentially start back in 2007 when I created Neko Xeo with my friend. 

Anyways, I am just going to use this space here for now to work out how I want to document my processes. I have really fallen in love with the art of writing itself. The amount of time I spend just writing by hand in a notebook is incredible.

Building in public. Digital Garden. Creative propagation.